Security Solutions | Virtual Appliance | Azure solutions

On Azure

The easiest and safest way to move your on-premise environment to the cloud.
Start AIWAF-VE on IaaS and cloud service provider Azure.
MONITORAPP’s AIWAF-VE and Azure are ready.

WHY on Azure?
  • Agility : Ability to configure a fast operating environment for running the business
  • Extensibility: Deployment in clusters that will auto-scale as business and traffic requirements fluctuate.
  • Leveraging built-in Azure Load Balancers (ALB) for best-in-class performance
  • Highest Global Infrastructure: 54 Leases, 140 Available Zones, 19 Data Centers
Move fast and Securely on Azure, the fast-growing IaaS & CSP
AIWAF-VE protects applications on Azure and makes moving workloads easier, safer, and more efficient than Azure. AIWAF-VE leverages Azure well-architected best practices, including autoscaling capabilities. When deployed in clusters—a standard Reference Architecture for redundancy and expandability—AIWAF_VE can automatically scale up or down in real-time to match fluctuations in workload demands. Join Azure free of charge. Customers who want to introduce AIWAF-VE can easily purchase it from the product page of Azure Market Place and apply it immediately.
graphic of AIWAF-VE configuration on Azure ▲ AIWAF-VE Configuration on Azure
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